Thursday, February 9, 2012

Social Media Week Goes Mobile!

I'm excited to be headed to Social Media Week in New York next week for a number of reasons.

For one, I'll be attending as many of the events as possible - though with more than 250 events spread throughout the city I'll clearly be missing some of them. Fortunately, I'll be able to follow along through various Twitter hashtags and also catch many of the events streaming live (including to mobile phones) thanks to Livestream.

It'll be interesting to hear how often the intersection of Social Media and mobile phones is addressed given the explosive growth of Social Media engagement via mobile phones:
  • Facebook acknowledged in their recent IPO filing that 425M of their 845M users access Facebook from their mobile phones
  • Twitter says more than half of their active users use Twitter on their mobiles, generating 40% of all tweets sent
  • YouTube sees more than 400M mobile video plays each day
Brands and businesses need to quickly figure out how they can best leverage the union of mobile & social or they'll be left behind by those that do.  Many of those who have already figured it out will be speaking at SMW in New York or at events in another SMW host city.

I'm also looking forward to SMW NY as it will be a great opportunity to get feedback from other attendees on Mobile Perspectives' latest project - developing the mobile website for the Social Media Week. Working with SMW creators CrowdCentric, Techliminal in San Francisco, Nokia in Finland and our technology partner New Media Innovation out of Australia, we created a mobile website that seamlessly extends Social Media Week to mobile users.

Mobile visitors to SMW can login and see details and access maps for events they've registered for, register for additional events throughout the week, engage SMW globally and locally on various social media platforms, and more.

As a bi-annual global event, Social Media Week is also in Miami, San Francisco, Washington DC, Toronto, São Paulo, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris, London, and Hamburg next week. In September, Social Media Week will be in another 12-13 cities including here in Chicago where Mobile Perspectives is based.

Since going live 3 weeks ago, the mobile SMW website has been visited from more than 100 countries and is now seeing many thousands of visitors each day!

Social Media Week recently published an article (SMW In Your Hands - Our New Mobile Site) about the project, including a Q&A with myself and Rob Leishman from New Media Innovation.

Any other mobile & social aficionados out there headed to SMW NY? I'd love to meet up.

Comments below, email me at, follow me (@toddshingler) on Twitter or reach out via our website.