Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eating Our Own Mobile Dog Food

Back in February, I wrote about my plans to attend Social Media Week New York and about Mobile Perspectives' role in building Social Media Week's mobile website. 

Social Media Week itself is a worldwide event exploring the social, cultural and economic impact of social media. Their mission is to help people and organizations connect through collaboration, learning and the sharing of ideas and information.

During February's Social Media Week, more than 1000 events were held in 12 host cities on 5 continents. September's event takes place in 14 cities, including here in Chicago from September 24-28.

I'm glad I went to SMW NY - the events I attended were well organized with great content and compelling speakers and panelists.  It was also a great opportunity to use the SMW Mobile Website and SMW Mobile Apps as any other attendee would. As a visitor to New York - I was especially grateful for the maps within the event descriptions to help get me from venue to venue.

It was also a great opportunity to see what we could do better - from navigating the event schedule, to accessing more local content, to providing a better integrated experience for attendees using both the SMW mobile website and the SMW mobile apps.

Ahead of the September event, we've worked closely with CrowdCentric (SMW's global coordinator), XOMO Digital (the SMW Mobile Application developers), Techliminal (responsible for the core SMW web and registration platforms), New Media Innovation (our technology platform partner) and with other SMW partners to improve the on-the-go attendee experience.  You can read more about our efforts in Social Media Week's recent blog post "Enhancing The SMW Mobile Experience".

Mobile Perspectives will also be hosting a panel discussion on "Social Media & Mobile: Is Your Social Media Strategy Mobile-Ready" during Social Media Week Chicago on September 27th.

Make sure you visit to see if Social Media Week is coming to your city. For those of you in Chicago, check out the schedule here - events are filling up fast!

I hope to see you there!

Comments below, email me at, follow me (@toddshingler) on Twitter or reach out via our website.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Moonpie Takes Gold in Mobile Marketing QR Code Olympics

QR Codes offer brands a way to engage consumers with a compelling mobile experience – linking to interesting videos, enabling consumers to engage the brand on Facebook or Twitter, enabling participation in contests, or linking to relevant information about a product on a mobile website.

I’ve noticed that QR Codes are increasingly showing up in my grocery bags. In the last few weeks, I’ve found QR Codes on bananas, pineapples, strawberries, bags of lettuce and Moonpies.

Curious, I pulled out my iPhone and scanned the QR codes to see what would happen. As a mobile call-to-action, you would expect the resulting engagement to be mobile-optimized, wouldn’t you? After all, a QR is a mobile call-to-action, right? It’s not like consumers are scanning QR Codes with their laptop or on their home computer. Unfortunately, most of the QR codes led to engagements that could have been better.

In the spirit of the London Olympics, I’ve awarded medals for the best mobile engagement triggered by a QR Code, highlighting deductions where the engagement could be improved.

Bronze Medal goes to Frontera Pineapples!
The tag on the Frontera pineapple included a QR code and an invitation to ‘Connect to the Farm’. Scanning the QR Code takes you to a mobile website containing harvest information (showing how long it took to go from being picked to being in your bag), basic information about Frontera Produce, a page with links to Frontera’s social media presence and a link to pineapple recipes.

First deduction: goes to the call-to-action: “Connect to the farm” isn’t a very compelling ‘call-to-action’ – it’s unclear what the incentive is for someone to scan the QR code – I’d guess very few people have responded to this generic call to action.

Second deduction: the page connecting to their social media presence should have simply included standard social media call-to-action icons (e.g. Facebook’s Like icon or Twitter’s Follow icon) or should have been eliminated in favor of putting the social media icons on the landing page. Further, the images shown are from the full social media websites instead of from their mobile websites. The last image goes to their non-mobile-friendly website (without a ‘full website’ handling warning).

Third deduction – the links on the recipes page simply opens non-mobile-optimized pages on Frontera’s main website.
Easy steps to improve: Use a more compelling and descriptive call-to-action, simplify the site by including social media icons on the landing page and mobilize a few recipes rather than redirect to their non-mobile-friendly website.

Silver Medal goes to Dole Bananas!
Right on the label, Dole sets the expectation that I’ll be able to enter the Nature’s Original Energy Bar Adventure Sweepstakes simply by Scanning the QR Code.
Scanning the QR Code leads to a decent mobile website, with mobile-friendly nutritional information and recipes pages, a link to a Madagascar game (for unobvious reasons) and a link for entering the Sweepstakes.

First deduction: Entering the sweepstakes isn’t so easy. You have to connect via Facebook and ‘Like’ Dole to enter. If you aren’t on Facebook, you can’t enter the competition.

Second deduction: Because of the way they built their Sweepstakes app, you are forced to use the ‘non-mobile-friendly’ version of Facebook to access the sweepstakes app and go through non-mobile-friendly Facebook sign-in and acceptance screens before finally getting to the mobile-friendly Adventure sweepstakes signup form.

Had they built their sweepstakes app to point instead to the mobile facebook page, you would see mobile-friendly pages -making the signup / acceptance process more mobile-friendly.

[Note: If you are logged in to Facebook's mobile website, you don't see the login and acceptance screens. Presumably, most iPhone users access Facebook via the Facebook app and would be forced to login – or would abandon.]

Eventually, you get to a mobile –friendly page where you can enter the sweepstakes by enter your name, address, date of birth and email address. Once finished, you are prompted to share that you’ve entered on Facebook.

Why Silver? Dole set the bar higher than Frontera and delivered on a number of levels – Had they configured their Facebook plug-in differently, they might have taken Gold. That said, if the goal is to drive up Facebook ‘likes’ that could have been accomplished much more easily!

Gold medal to Moonpie!
Did you know they still made Moonpies? Well, they do. And there is a QR Code right on the wrapper encouraging you to find them on Facebook. 
If you scan the QR Code, you get a very simple mobile page with an embedded Facebook plug-in where you can ‘like’ them.

Deductions: As with Dole, Moonpie uses the default Facebook Social Plug-in settings to force you to login via a non-mobile page instead of the mobile login screen. However, since there was no additional ‘App’ to authorize separately, the ‘Like’ button worked once logged in – and without being redirected to their Facebook page.

Nothing fancy, but it (mostly) works. Sometimes the best strategy is to do a solid job and let the competition land on their head…just like in the Olympics!

Failing to medal: California Giant Strawberries and Fresh Express Lettuce

California Giant Strawberries QR Code urges you to ‘Check us out today’. When you scan the QR code, you get what appears to be a pretty nice mobile website…only it isn’t.

The Pinterest ‘Pin’ link goes to their YouTube Channel – as does a subsequent link to ‘Share recipes’ with them. The 'Play It Again Sports' promotion links to a non-mobile-friendly promotions site powered by Wildfire - and not to the promotion mentioned. The 'Game Day Recipes’ (and a later set of recipe links) goes to the recipes section of Cal Giants non-mobile-friendly website.

Fresh Express Lettuce encourages you to scan the QR code to get delicious recipes and more. Unfortunately, scanning the QR code simply takes you to their full website. One scan led to a non-mobile-friendly QR promotion page. A subsequent scan simply redirected to their full website.

Marketers: Don't use QR Codes unless it triggers Mobile-Friendly Engagement!
Don’t stick a QR Code on everything just because you can. If the post-scan experience isn’t engaging, mobile-optimized and designed to encourage subsequent engagement, leave the QR Code off rather than risk disengaging consumers instead.

As with any marketing campaign, have a clear goal in mind and use QR Codes (along with other mobile and non-mobile calls-to-action) to help achieve your goal - whether it’s to drive Facebook ‘Likes’, gain Twitter followers, acquire email addresses, educate consumers or enhance your brand image.

[Side Note to Kelloggs: By the time I downloaded and installed the ‘SpideySense’ iPhone app and spent 5 minutes getting the Augmented Reality marker on the Rice Krispies box to do something, my kids were no longer interested in the 30 second movie clip. Did you know you can simply use a QR Code to launch a video on YouTube? It would’ve saved me a lot of effort.]

Comments below, email me at or follow me @toddshingler on Twitter.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Unlimited Wireless Data Plans Heading for Extinction

The explosive growth of mobile data consumption driven by smartphone and tablet adoption and the roll-out of faster wireless data networks is speeding the move towards usage-based mobile data plans.
Mobile consumers are increasingly downloading books, streaming movies, watching videos, and listening to cloud-based music services such as Spotify and Pandora.  Growing use of internet voice services like Skype and Google Voice and text messaging alternatives such as iPhone messenger and now Facebook messenger consume mobile data AND directly eat into wireless operator voice and text messaging revenues.
Consider some of these Mobile Statistics:
  • 600M YouTube video views each day from mobile devices
  • 2.6B mobile applications were downloaded in March 2012
  • 8.5% of all internet traffic is now from mobile devices
  • 15% of all ‘search’ traffic is from mobile devices
  • 70% of Pandora’s listening hours are from mobile devices
  • 54% of Facebook’s 901M users access Facebook from their mobile device each month
Clearly, wireless operators don’t want to simply provide the bandwidth for everyone else to profit from and they are looking for ways to capitalize – particularly as traditional voice revenues continue to drop and even as their own cost to transmit data (on a per GB basis) continues to decline. The first step, already playing out, is the move away from unlimited data plans.
Verizon and Comcast End Unlimited and Capped Data Plans
Yesterday, a Verizon executive made a statement that mobile customers that currently have unlimited data plans would have to move to a tiered usage-based data plan if they wanted to upgrade to a 4G LTE device.  Verizon, like AT&T before it, no longer offers unlimited data plans to new subscribers and has no doubt been thinking about the best time to cease unlimited data plans for existing customers as well.
Not surprisingly, Verizon received a backlash of negativity from customers and as of this morning seemed to be backing off the statement – instead indicating that they are reviewing pricing plans and will announce them well in advance of implementing them.
Coincidentally, Comcast announced yesterday that they were ending their ‘hard cap’ of 250GB for home internet subscribers and were now running trials where customers were given a nominally higher data allowance (300GB) with $10 overage fees for each additional 50GB of data consumed.
Both moves are further evidence that unlimited data plans will inevitably be replaced by usage-based data plans.
Beyond Unlimited and Usage-based Data Plans
From a wireless operator perspective, much of the rest of the world has already adopted usage-based data plans, so Verizon’s intentions aren’t without precedent. That said, the simple “data usage” model is likely to evolve to better reflect how mobile consumers are using their mobile devices. 
These “consumer pays” models are also likely to be supplemented with more creative – and lucrative - “shared cost” and “sponsored cost” models allowing wireless operators to charge content providers for using their networks or for prioritizing their data traffic.
A few directions wireless operators could explore:
  • Capped 'best-effort' plans - which would allow basic email, internet, downloads without a guarantee on bandwidth quality and speed and with max monthly data limits. Streaming video usage would be 'best-effort' and in certain instances blocked if there was network congestion.
  • "Premium" plans that would have faster speeds and better quality video by prioritizing data consumption by these users above the basic 'best-effort' plans. e.g. my streaming video always works but yours may be blocked when there is network congestion. As Comcast is doing on the wireline side, these plans would likely have upper thresholds on monthly usage with overage charges.
  • “a la carte” fees where users could be asked to pay extra fee for specific services, e.g. for streaming video - either unlimited video for a premium fee or a certain amount of streaming video for a lower price. This might even by charged per GB if you aren't on the 'unlimited' video plan.
  • Ditto for over-the-air “app store” downloads and cloud-based storage services like iCloud
  • Given mobile social media consumption, I could see operators offering plans similar to unlimited text plans.  $5/month for unlimited access to Facebook, Google+, etc.
Wireless operators may also look to get data usage subsidized by the companies generating the most data traffic by:
  • Striking deals with Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube etc. to subsidize users wanting to download or stream content (apps, music, video) over the operator network. This could range from simple licensing fees, to variable fees based on usage to getting a piece of each individual item 'purchased' - e.g. they get $.05 of each $.99 song or app downloaded over their network to asking for a piece of advertising revenue these companies are collecting over the operator network.
  • Seeking the right to inject or overlay their own ads into the content so they can generate their own additional advertising revenue.
  • Striking similar licensing deals directly with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. to 'prioritize' or 'subsidize' use of these networks over the operator network.  Why wouldn't wireless operators ask the social networks for a piece of ad revenues generated on their networks?
  • Seeking profit-share relationships with Retailers. Amazon handled more than $2B in mobile transactions in 2011, eBay more than $4B. Why not ask for 1% of m-commerce revenues that their networks facilitate? In exchange, wireless operators could prioritize bandwidth for access to a retailer’s website and/or related video content.
The move away from unlimited data plans has been coming for a while, but you can be sure that once they are gone, wireless operators will do whatever they can to capitalize on their role as a critical gateway to the internet for mobile consumers.
Comments below, email me at, follow me ( @toddshingler ) on Twitter or reach out via our website.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Social Media Week Goes Mobile!

I'm excited to be headed to Social Media Week in New York next week for a number of reasons.

For one, I'll be attending as many of the events as possible - though with more than 250 events spread throughout the city I'll clearly be missing some of them. Fortunately, I'll be able to follow along through various Twitter hashtags and also catch many of the events streaming live (including to mobile phones) thanks to Livestream.

It'll be interesting to hear how often the intersection of Social Media and mobile phones is addressed given the explosive growth of Social Media engagement via mobile phones:
  • Facebook acknowledged in their recent IPO filing that 425M of their 845M users access Facebook from their mobile phones
  • Twitter says more than half of their active users use Twitter on their mobiles, generating 40% of all tweets sent
  • YouTube sees more than 400M mobile video plays each day
Brands and businesses need to quickly figure out how they can best leverage the union of mobile & social or they'll be left behind by those that do.  Many of those who have already figured it out will be speaking at SMW in New York or at events in another SMW host city.

I'm also looking forward to SMW NY as it will be a great opportunity to get feedback from other attendees on Mobile Perspectives' latest project - developing the mobile website for the Social Media Week. Working with SMW creators CrowdCentric, Techliminal in San Francisco, Nokia in Finland and our technology partner New Media Innovation out of Australia, we created a mobile website that seamlessly extends Social Media Week to mobile users.

Mobile visitors to SMW can login and see details and access maps for events they've registered for, register for additional events throughout the week, engage SMW globally and locally on various social media platforms, and more.

As a bi-annual global event, Social Media Week is also in Miami, San Francisco, Washington DC, Toronto, São Paulo, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris, London, and Hamburg next week. In September, Social Media Week will be in another 12-13 cities including here in Chicago where Mobile Perspectives is based.

Since going live 3 weeks ago, the mobile SMW website has been visited from more than 100 countries and is now seeing many thousands of visitors each day!

Social Media Week recently published an article (SMW In Your Hands - Our New Mobile Site) about the project, including a Q&A with myself and Rob Leishman from New Media Innovation.

Any other mobile & social aficionados out there headed to SMW NY? I'd love to meet up.

Comments below, email me at, follow me (@toddshingler) on Twitter or reach out via our website.